Kia Ora!
Trip from 07/09 to 15/09
Talofa! Malo e lelei! Kia ora! Kia orana! Ni sa bula vinaka! Fakaalofa lahi atu! Taloha ni! Warm Pasifika Greetings!
We are a group of students, teachers and whanau supporters from Mana College travelling to Oahu, Hawaii for a one week educational field trip.
WHY? To study and compare a number of vibrant Pasifika cultures - their traditions, arts and crafts, values, and way of life in authentic settings. We will be looking at how Polynesian cultures maintain their traditions.
Where? Oahu, Hawaii.
Places we will be visiting?
- Polynesian Cultural Centre
- Kahuku High School
- Pearl Harbour
- Iolani Palace
The two groups who are travelling together are the SPEC (South Pacific Educational Courses) class taught by Gayleen Hitchon-Parekura and Pasifika Studies group taught by Vitoria Faletolu.
We have just finished our last fundraiser for the trip - a three course meal which was held at the Takapuwahia Marae in Elsdon. We had cultural items by the students and a lot of fun was had by all on the night.